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School Wide Intervention

Ride the Wave: Acing Anxiety

Skills program for students year 7 to 10, based on techniques drawn from Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), which are evidence-based approaches for stress and anxiety.

Are stress and anxiety significant concerns for your students?

Do they hinder their ability to achieve their goals and impact their resilience?

The Breakthrough Psychology school-based intervention, "Ride the Wave", is exactly what your school needs. The program supports students in understanding the nature of stress and anxiety, the avoidance cycle, and how it impacts their brain. They will also learn the evidence-based techniques required to face and embrace the challenges students today experience. All this is delivered in a framework of fun activities and engaging role plays.

 This psycho-educational, school-based group program offers essential, evidence-based skills to help young people understand and manage their anxiety, breaking free from patterns that hold them back.

Students will be offered:

  • A 3-part series of psycho-education and skills based sessions within school hours. With 60-90 minute sessions (adjusted to school needs)

  • Small group of 15-20 selected students to encourage discussion and learning

  • Understanding stress and anxiety: How it impacts their thoughts and behaviours.

  • Avoidance cycle insights: Recognising and overcoming avoidance patterns.

  • Practical strategies: From role-play activities to real-world application, students build resilience and confidence through engaging exercises

  • Breakthrough Psychology also offers a 90-min parenting webinar to help parents support their teens with anxiety.

This program may make a lasting difference for students struggling to cope.


If you’re looking to provide meaningful resources for your young clients / students, this program is here to help.


Download the brochure above, or get in touch to learn more

Once you're ready to book in your session, fill out an Expression of Interest Form.


Looking to get started with a workshop or training from the team at Breakthrough Psychology Practice?

Fill in an Expression of Interest Form today!

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