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Adult ADHD

Adult ADHD Testing Clinic

What is ADHD?

Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a common neurobiological condition affecting 5-8% of school age children, with symptoms persisting into adulthood in as many as 60 percent of cases (i.e. approximately 4% of adults). In most cases, ADHD is thought to be inherited, and tends to run in some families more than others. ADHD is a lifespan condition that affects children, adolescents, and adults of all ages. It affects both males and females, and people of all races and cultural backgrounds. 

Some common symptoms and problems of living with ADHD include: 

  • Poor attention; excessive distractability

  • Physical restlessness or hyperactivity

  • Excessive impulsivity; saying or doing things without thinking

  • Excessive and chronic procrastination

  • Difficulty getting started on tasks or completing tasks

  • Frequently losing things

  • Poor organization, planning, and time management skills

  • Excessive forgetfulness

Not every person with ADHD displays all of the symptoms, nor does every person with ADHD experience these symptoms to the same level of severity or impairment. Some people have mild ADHD, while others have severe ADHD, resulting in significant impairments. ADHD can cause problems in school, in jobs and careers, at home, in family and other relationships, and with tasks of daily living. Although there is no cure for ADHD, when properly diagnosed and treated it can be well-managed.


What are some common reasons adults may test for ADHD?

Most adults who seek an evaluation for ADHD experience significant problems in one or more areas of living. Some of the most common problems include: 

  • Inconsistent performance in jobs or careers; losing or quitting jobs frequently

  • A history of academic and/or career underachievement

  • Poor ability to manage day-to-day responsibilities (e.g., completing household chores or maintenance tasks, paying bills, organizing things)

  • Relationship problems due to not completing tasks, forgetting important things, or getting upset easily over minor things

  • Chronic stress and worry due to failure to accomplish goals and meet responsibilities

  • Chronic and intense feelings of frustration, guilt, or blame

A qualified professional can determine if these problems are due to ADHD, some other cause, or a combination of causes. 


Why see a Psychologist for ADHD?

Following a diagnosis, a Psychologist can help by providing therapeutic support based on the strengths and weaknesses identified in testing. In addition, a Psychologist can help you manage any co-existing conditions, such as depression, by creating a treatment plan that acknowledges your unique needs.

What does ADHD testing look like at Breakthrough Psychology Practice?


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​There is no single medical, physical, or genetic test for ADHD. At Breakthrough Psychology, we gather information from multiple sources to provide a diagnostic evaluation. To do so, we look at ADHD symptom checklists, standardized behavior rating scales, a detailed history of past and current functioning, and information obtained from family members or significant others who know the person well. 

1. Pre-Screeners and Assessment

The pre-screeners are completed prior to your initial assessment and include an Adult ADHD pre-screener and a mood questionnaire. We ask that you complete and return these forms prior to your initial assessment so your clinician can prepare for this session.

The initial assessment is a comprehensive assessment looking at the results of your pre-screeners as well as your developmental history, social life, career and/or education, emotions, behaviours, and current functioning.


2. Executive Functioning Questionnaire

The Executive Functioning questionnaire is completed online by both yourself and someone who is close to you, such as a parent, partner, or housemate. It gives us a comprehensive understanding of how skills, such as planning and organisation, are affected in daily life.


3. Feedback session and Comprehensive Report

At the end of testing, we will compile all the information from your pre-screeners, assessment, and the executive functioning test to provide you with a diagnostic evaluation. We will also provide you with recommendations for relevant areas in your life, such as work, university, and at home or socially. We will discuss this report at length with you at your feedback session - you are encouraged to ask lots of questions here.

In addition to testing, our clinicians are passionate about providing therapeutic support to ADHD clients. You are welcome to discuss what therapy for ADHD looks like in your feedback session and book-in to see someone at Breakthrough Psychology.

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