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Psychometric & Educational Testing

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Psychometric & Educational Testing

Helping young people flourish and shine is one of the most rewarding and exciting endeavours within the psychology field. In addition to individual counselling and therapy services for adolescents and children, Breakthrough Psychology Practice also offer a range of Psychometric and Educational Testing metrics designed to a assess attributes such as:

  • Behavioural: Self harming, Bullying, Attention and Self Regulation Problems

  • Psychological: Anxieties, phobias, self esteem issues, attention difficulties

  • Academic: Giftedness, school readiness, dyslexia, study skills, time management, organisational abilities

Assessments Provided:

IQ/Cognitive Test: IQ and cognitive tests allows parents and guardians to deconstruct and understand a child’s cognitive predisposition and understand their strengths and weaknesses. We employ a range of assessment tools, including the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children (WISC-V).

Achievement Testing: A range of tests designed to assess a child’s reading and comprehension abilities, spelling, maths skills and psychological awareness.  Our assessment tools include:

  • Woodcock Reading Mastery Test – 3rd Edition


  • South Australian Spelling Test

  • Wide Range Achievement test (WRAT3 & 4)

Behaviour rating scales: These assessments allow problem areas to be identified, such as:

  • Concentration and hyperactivity (including ADD/ADHD)

  • Reading difficulties and linguistic comprehension

  • General Behaviour

  • Anxiety

  • Social skills and awareness

Parental Engagement (pre and post assessment): We engage with parents/caregivers before and during the assessment period to understand your child’s background, family history and analysing any previous assessments to build a broader profile. Upon completion of the assessments, our principal psychologist will go through the assessment results and, if required, devise a treatment plan in consultation with the principal caregiver to work address identified problem areas.

School Observations

Breakthrough Psychology Practice will be offering a new service whereby warranted, school observations and engagement with the school team will incorporate a student assessment process.

Our Principal Psychologist believes that, in some cases, observing a student in a number of classes and/or lunch break would give a more complete and detailed picture of a student’s attention issues, behaviour, social issues and learning needs, especially when such observations include discussions with teachers to complement formal testing. In some cases, there has been a greater outcome of treatment based on the collaboration with schools.

To find out more, simply Contact Us.

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